Midwives PuurBegin

Follow-up check

Important follow-up check after delivery

The follow-up check-up, approximately six weeks after delivery, is an essential time to evaluate your health and well-being. It is a comprehensive medical and emotional evaluation that helps to identify any complications and provides an opportunity to share your experiences. Below is what you can expect during this important appointment.

Medical Evaluations

The physical impact of pregnancy and childbirth on your body is significant. During the follow-up check we look at various health aspects:

  • Blood pressure measurement: An important indicator of your general health. High blood pressure can indicate underlying problems.
  • Iron content analysis: Essential if you have lost a lot of blood during childbirth or have used iron supplements.
  • Abdominal muscle control: To determine when you can safely start exercising, especially if your abdominal muscles have been stretched during pregnancy.
  • Urine and Feces: We discuss any problems with incontinence, which can occur after childbirth.
  • Stitches: If you have stitches that do not dissolve on their own, we can remove them.

Emotional and Physical Experiences

The follow-up is also a time to share your experiences:

  • We discuss how you experienced the pregnancy, delivery and the first weeks as a mother.
  • This is a safe space to discuss any emotional challenges or physical concerns.

The Importance of the Follow-Up

This control is crucial for both your physical recovery and your emotional well-being:

  • It offers the opportunity to reflect on your new role as a mother and any adjustments you have made in your life.
  • We answer questions and offer advice about motherhood and related changes.

Advice on Contraception

During the follow-up check we advise you about contraception:

  • We discuss different contraceptive methods and their suitability for your situation.
  • We offer options for inserting IUDs and other forms of contraception.


The follow-up check after childbirth is an extensive examination that helps you to cope with the birth and the subsequent period. It's an opportunity to address any concerns you may have and prepare for the next phase of your life. Please be open and honest about your experiences and feelings so that we can provide you with the best support and advice. Remember that this check-up is an important step in your recovery process and adjustment to motherhood.

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