Midwives PuurBegin

Folic acid

Folic acid

Folic acid: crucial for a healthy child.

As an expectant mother, your goal is to create a healthy environment for your unborn child. Folic acid plays a vital role in this process and is an essential element for a healthy pregnancy.

Importance of folic acid in pregnancy

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B11, is essential in your baby's early development, especially for the formation of the neural tube, the foundation of your child's nervous system. An adequate intake of folic acid helps reduce the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida (spina bifida) or a cleft palate.

When to start taking folic acid?

Start taking folic acid as soon as you plan to become pregnant, for example when stopping contraception. Ideally, start at least four weeks before conception, as it takes some time for folic acid to be effectively absorbed into your bloodstream. The baby's neural tube develops in the first weeks of pregnancy, often before you know you are pregnant.

Recommended dosage and duration of intake

The recommended daily amount of folic acid for women who want to become pregnant and pregnant women is 0.4 milligrams (400 micrograms). This dose supports the healthy development of your baby. Take folic acid daily until at least the 10th week of your pregnancy.

Availability and costs of folic acid

Folic acid is available without a prescription at most drugstores and pharmacies. It is advisable to use folic acid in tablet form, especially intended for pregnant women. In terms of cost, folic acid supplements are generally beneficial. Expect to spend several euros for a month's supply.


Folic acid is a simple but important step to ensure your baby's health, even before you are pregnant. Start taking the recommended dosage on time for a reassuring start to your pregnancy. Good luck with your pregnancy and desire to have children!

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