Midwives PuurBegin

Calling instructions

When do you call the midwife during pregnancy?

At Midwifery Practice PuurBegin in Kampen we are there to support you during your pregnancy. It is important to know when to contact us. Below we discuss situations in which it is essential to call for our help immediately.

1. Blood loss

Any form of bleeding during pregnancy requires immediate attention, even if you suspect it is harmless. This can indicate various conditions, and it is crucial to check whether an additional check is necessary.

2. Not feeling well and upper abdominal pain

Do you experience persistent headaches, pressure in the upper abdomen, seeing stars, and nausea after 24 weeks of pregnancy? This may indicate high blood pressure. Please contact us the same day so we can assess your situation and take action if necessary.

3. Decreased baby movement after 26 weeks

It's normal for your baby's movements to vary, but a significant decrease in movement is a cause for concern. First try to make contact with your baby by lying on your left side for an hour. If there is no response, or you feel unsure, call us immediately.

4. Fluid loss before 37 weeks or if the baby has not descended

Fluid loss, especially if it concerns amniotic fluid, is important to report immediately. If you have any doubts about the cause of the fluid loss, it is better to call us. If the baby's head has not yet descended and your water breaks, call us immediately and lie down.

5. Contractions before 37 weeks

Experiencing contractions before 37 weeks is a sign to contact us immediately, as this may indicate premature labor. In this case, it is important that you give birth in the hospital for the safety of you and your baby.

6. Vomiting a lot

Nausea and vomiting are normal in pregnancy, but if you're persistently vomiting for more than three days and can't keep anything down, it's time to call us. This can affect your well-being and that of your baby.

In short

Remember that if you have any doubts, you can always contact us. No question or concern is too small or unimportant. Your health and that of your baby are our top priority. Our team is ready

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