Midwives PuurBegin

Pregnant? What do you need?

What to arrange during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time full of adventure and new experiences. At Midwifery Practice PuurBegin we want to help you plan this period as well as possible. Here is an overview of important things to arrange during your pregnancy.

Nutritional Supplements (Week 4-8)

It is important to take nutritional supplements such as folic acid from the beginning of your pregnancy. These supplements support the healthy development of your baby and help prevent certain birth defects.

Official documents

For travel or work-related documentation, a pregnancy certificate is essential. We provide this statement and it is useful to carry with you.

Comfortable clothing (Week 12-16)

Around weeks 12-16 it is time to invest in comfortable maternity clothes. This clothing offers more freedom of movement and comfort.

Check health insurance

Check your health insurance for coverage for prenatal care, childbirth and maternity care. Consider additional insurance if your current policy does not provide sufficient coverage.

Arrange maternity care (Before Week 16)

Register in time with a maternity care agency such as Kraamzorg Kampen to be assured of the necessary care and support after the birth.

Childcare (Week 24 or earlier)

Start arranging childcare early if you want to return to work after giving birth. Waiting lists can be long.

Arranging legal matters

It is important for unmarried parents to arrange recognition and parental authority. Make an appointment for this at the town hall.

Pregnancy Course (Around Week 24)

A pregnancy course is an excellent way to prepare for childbirth. Register around week 24.

Baby room and baby layette (Week 28-32)

Start decorating the baby's room and purchasing baby equipment around weeks 28-32.

Arrange maternity leave (Week 28-32)

Arrange your maternity leave and any adjustments to your work schedule in time. This helps everything run smoothly.

Birth plan (Around Week 30)

Drawing up a birth plan helps to clarify your wishes and expectations for the birth.

Home Preparation (Before Week 36)

Make sure you have all the supplies you need for the birth and maternity week at home before week 36.

Hospital bag (From Week 36)

Well before your due date, pack a hospital bag with all the essential items for a possible hospital stay.

Preparing for breastfeeding

If you want to breastfeed, consider renting a breast pump to initiate breastfeeding.

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