Midwives PuurBegin

Our small-scale team of midwives

During your search for a midwife for your pregnancy, it is important to know who will guide you. At Midwifery Practice PuurBegin we value the importance of a trusted relationship with your healthcare providers. We believe that a close relationship with your midwife has a positive impact on your pregnancy and birth experience.

Our small-scale team in Kampen is committed to not only providing care, but also to building a personal bond. We strive to understand your unique story and create a care plan that perfectly meets your needs. Discover more about our team: who we are, our backgrounds and our philosophy. We are convinced that by getting to know each other better, we can build a stronger bond and thus provide the best care that is specifically tailored to you.

Midwife in Kampen Sanne


Practice owner & midwife

My name is Sanne, midwife and practice owner of Verloskundigen PuurBegin. I deliberately set up a small-scale midwifery practice because I believe that you can only provide the best possible care if you really know your pregnant women and partners. It is important that you have confidence in me as a healthcare provider, but also that you can always come to me for your feelings. I am really looking forward to getting to know you and of course I will tell you a little more about myself below:

I am 29 years old, born and raised in Amersfoort. A few years ago I moved to Brabant for love. When the opportunity came up to take over a practice in Dronten, I didn't hesitate for a moment whether I would move. My partner fully supported my dream and so we left pleasant Brabant for beautiful Dronten. And we feel so at home here! The practice in Dronten is characterized by small-scale care with a maximum of 3 midwives. This way of care appealed to me so much that I decided to open a branch in Kampen according to the same principle of small-scale care. This is how Midwives PuurBegin was born. 

As a midwife I strive for openness and honesty. I am here to truly understand you, even if everything cannot be expressed in words. People say about me that I am a committed and warm midwife, with a touch of down-to-earth humor. During your pregnancy I will listen to you carefully, provide you with the necessary information and during (but of course also after) the birth I will be there as your support and support. Maybe you are considering a beautiful bath birth? Let's have a great time together. See you soon!

You may also encounter Jasmijn during consultation hours or the service. Jasmijn was born in Zeeland, but is so supportive of our working methods as a small-scale midwifery practice that she came to Flevoland especially. Jasmijn is a midwife through and through and will always work for your wishes. Below Jasmijn introduces herself:

Midwife in Kampen Jasmijn



“Hi everyone, my name is Jasmijn and I can proudly say that from January 2024 I can be part of the midwifery practice PuurBegin in Kampen! I look forward to getting to know you all and having a wonderful time together. Every woman, every pregnancy and every birth is unique. As a midwife, I think it is important to take this into account when providing guidance. I would like to guide you in a way that suits you. My goal is to make it a beautiful experience together with you, so that you can start this special new chapter with confidence and love. Lots of love and hopefully see you soon!” – Jasmine

Because we regularly attend further training or sometimes have a day off, two lovely fellow midwives will start soon: Nomy and Lieke. Below Nomy and Lieke introduce themselves:

Midwife in Kampen Nomy



“Dear pregnant women and partners, my name is Nomy and I am very pleased to soon be able to join the team at Verloskundigen Puur Begin in Kampen. I'm incredibly looking forward to it! What you can expect from me as a midwife is that I am an open and honest person, I am happy to offer a listening ear and I guarantee appropriate personal guidance, because no pregnancy and childbirth is the same. My goal is to ensure that you can look back on a beautiful pregnancy/birth with a good feeling and that you can start a new phase in your life with peace of mind. I hope to meet you all soon!” – Nomy
Midwife in training Lieke


Midwife in training

"Hello all! My name is Lieke and I come from Deventer. I am looking forward to working in this warm and small-scale midwifery practice from the summer onwards. I am extremely proud to be part of this caring team and to guide you during this special period. As a midwife, my focus is to make your pregnancy and birth as smooth and comfortable as possible and I strive to provide a safe and supportive environment. I find personal care and trust extremely important and I am here to really listen to you. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if there is anything you would like to talk about. I look forward to getting to know you and making this special journey with you! Hopefully see you soon” – Lieke

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