Midwives PuurBegin


Extra free early ultrasound when registering at Midwifery Practice PuurBegin

Welcome to an exciting time

At Midwifery Practice PuurBegin we understand that pregnancy can be a special and sometimes overwhelming experience. That's why we offer an extra free early ultrasound for every expectant mother who registers with us.

The first ultrasound: an early gift

Normally the first ultrasound only takes place around the 10th week of pregnancy. However, we offer you the opportunity to have an early ultrasound between 6-7 weeks. This is especially reassuring if you have had complications in the past or if you suffer from blood loss. We think it is important that everyone has access to this early ultrasound, regardless of the reason.

Standard ultrasound scans during your pregnancy

In addition to the early ultrasound, you can expect the following standard ultrasounds during your pregnancy at Verloskundigenpraktijk PuurBegin

Term ultrasound (around the 10th week)

The term ultrasound helps determine the expected date of birth. This is an important time to plan the further course of your pregnancy.

13-week ultrasound (optional)

Around the 13th week you can opt for an additional ultrasound to screen for physical abnormalities in your baby.

20-week ultrasound (optional)

The 20-week ultrasound, also known as the structural ultrasound examination (SEO), is an important milestone around the 20th week. This ultrasound provides insight into the development of your baby's organs and is reimbursed by your health insurance.

Ultrasounds on indication

Sometimes additional ultrasounds are needed to monitor your baby's growth or check its position:

Growth echo

A growth ultrasound can help to monitor your baby's development, especially if there are doubts about growth.

Location ultrasound

A position ultrasound can be performed around the 35th week to determine the position of your baby, which is important for preparation for delivery.

Fun ultrasounds for special moments

At Midwifery Practice PuurBegin we also offer the option of making fun ultrasound scans. These are extra ultrasounds to enjoy your baby with your loved ones:

Gender determination ultrasound

Find out whether you are expecting a boy or a girl with our gender determination ultrasound. This ultrasound costs €53 and offers a unique opportunity to share this exciting news with family and friends.

Fun ultrasound without gender determination

A standard fun ultrasound, without gender determination, is also possible. This costs €53 and is a wonderful way to take a moment to think about your growing baby.

Make an appointment for an ultrasound

Standard ultrasounds are planned by our assistants. Would you like to schedule a fun ultrasound scan? This can be done via the website GOLD echo or choose one of ours pampering packages for additional echoes.

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