Midwives PuurBegin

When you may have a miscarriage

The emotional impact of uncertainty during pregnancy

A positive pregnancy test brings joy, but it can also bring uncertainties, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. At Midwifery Practice PuurBegin we understand the complexity of these emotions. We offer comprehensive support and advice, even if you are concerned about a possible miscarriage.

Blood loss and the risk of miscarriage

Experiencing blood loss or abdominal pain during your pregnancy can be worrying. We are available on 06 42 61 01 99 to support you during this period, even if you are not yet a client. It is important to know that blood loss does not always indicate a miscarriage. In fact, only half of cases of blood loss result in miscarriage.

Causes of miscarriages

Miscarriages often have no specific cause. Factors such as smoking, previous miscarriages and age can increase the risk. However, chromosomal abnormalities are usually the main cause. It is important to understand that miscarriages are often unpreventable.

The course of a miscarriage

A miscarriage is often accompanied by cramps and cramps blood loss, which sometimes also involves loss of tissue. Medication may be necessary if the miscarriage does not start on its own. A repeat pregnancy test is usually of no use in this situation, as it remains positive even if the pregnancy is not progressing well.

We are here for you

We are here for you at Verloskundigen PuurBegin during this difficult period. You don't have to walk this path alone. Contact us for support, professional advice and medical guidance. For more information or support, call us on 06 42 61 01 99.

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