Midwives PuurBegin

Pregnancy course or not?

Why choose a pregnancy course

The value of preparation

Pregnancy brings major changes. Especially if it is your first time, you may feel insecure about childbirth and the first weeks after birth. A pregnancy course can help you prepare for what is to come.

Different types of courses

There is a wide range of pregnancy courses, each with their own focus. Whether you are looking for practical advice, the fun of other expectant mothers, or if you want to prepare together with your partner, there is always a course that suits you.

VitalOveral: for an active pregnancy

At VitaalOveral the emphasis is on active training for expectant mothers. From outdoor training to pregnancy yoga, there is something for everyone. View the full range at VitaalOveral.nl.

Giving birth together: together with your partner

The Joint Birth course focuses on preparing for birth together with your partner. This course provides both practical information and techniques that you can apply during childbirth.

Pregnancy swimming: fit and relaxed

Swimming is an ideal sport during pregnancy. It helps you stay fit and offers relaxation at the same time. Pregnancy swimming is available at several locations.

Have a nice pregnancy: practical tips and exercises

Fijn Zwanger offers an intensive childbirth course full of practical tips and exercises, specially designed for expectant parents.

Haptonomic pregnancy guidance: experiencing pregnancy together

This unique course offers you and your partner the opportunity to experience pregnancy together and learn about the connection with your unborn child.

NVFB-ZwangerFit®: stay fit during pregnancy

NVFB-ZwangerFit® is aimed at maintaining your strength and fitness during pregnancy. It combines physical exercises with theoretical knowledge.

Pregnancy yoga: flexible and vital pregnancy

Pregnancy yoga helps you stay flexible and vital and prepares you for childbirth. Ask about courses at local yoga centers.

Mindful pregnancy: conscious experience

Mindfulness can help you to be aware of your pregnancy and birth, and to better cope with the emotional and physical changes.

Choosing the right antenatal course is a personal choice that depends on your individual needs and preferences. At Verloskundigenpraktijk PuurBegin Ijsselmuiden we are happy to advise you about the available options and help you find the course that suits you best.

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